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Blogskin by Yanny :)
Monday, September 28
I went kite-flying at Marina Barrage with Mike! (=
It was pretty far, pretty fun and pretty hot.
Ptff, Singapore.
I found that I like kite-flying! Especially when it is up in the skies, flying high. Honestly, it reminds me much of Kite Runner. The pretty part - seeing lots of kites up there, the Japanese styled ones, the Chinese ones and the Barbie / Hello Kittys is pretty cool.
And the EVIL PART! Kite cutting! Mike and I evilly tried to cut other kites and avoid being cut... only to be cut by someone in the end! D: Our pretty red kite [WITH NO TAIL!] flew off the Barrage.
It was really quite fun. And Mike has kite-fever!
The pictures are a pain to upload though, so I will do it another time.
Friday, end of SIP / before Mike's fly-off
We went to the Pool Room Bar in Double O, after a pizza dinner at uhm, I-don't-know-the-name at Clark Quay. We WALKED from City Hall to Clark Quay, then WALKED from Clark QUay to Double O. D:
Friday, September 25
And so, it is done. My internship is settled, over, completed. It is a little abrupt, yes, but the ends are nicely tied up. Well, almost.
Right now, I have 3 weeks to finish my report, to take a short holiday and to have fun. Then the whole thing will have come full circle, and I will be back at school.
Why then do I feel so tired?
Maybe it's the daunting task of wrapping up my 'young life'.
I will be 20 next year. (Alas, the twos are coming my way, then the threes, then the fours.... Before I know it, I will be beckoning my eighties.) How positively old! I will need to hunt for a degree, hunt for jobs and before you know it, wham! bam! and life as I know it is gone.
Sunday, September 20
I won, hands down, with picking movies!
It was either Inglorious Bastards or The Ugly Truth. Guess what I picked?
Watch the trailer, then watch the laugh-out-loud movie!
Michael may tell you it's only worth 3.5/5, but he was laughing in practically EVERY scene. Awesome funny show!
Wednesday, September 16
The guys are being pouty today!
Hmms, you guys know where to look for us. (: Just want to say that, as unneeded/repeated as it is. *hugs!*
Tuesday, September 15
...round and round we go, in a meaningless circle. We smile, we frown, and then it's all over.
I am a sucker for trashy romantic stories. Not all the time, but during times when I have absolutely no want to smarten myself. I would run to the library, pick a title and indulge in happily-ever-afters - trying to innocently pretend it may just happen.
Happen like - rich guy meets poor girl, they fall out, they get thrown together, they fall in love, they get married. :D
Anyway, I picked a somewhat smarter one. Wife found out author husband's with actress. [I don't know why it is always actress/secretary; it is simply soooo overused.] Picks up kid and goes to Mom's home. Turns out Mom cheated before, but had returned to loving Dad. And she finds it in her heart to forgive.
Okay, so maybe it does sound like your typical book. But what fascinates me is Mom's lover - he met her so briefly, and they had but 4 days together, yet he loves her. He loves so much that he never found another love.
It is rather surreal, is it not?
Sunday, September 6