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Blogskin by Yanny :)
Friday, August 28
Wednesday, August 26
Yesterday was particularly stressful for me.
Maybe I was careless not to give her a sample paper to do; but I had truly thought my written quizzes gave me enough insight as to her standards.
She did pretty well in the quizzes, so much so that I confidently helped her purchased two comprehension assessments. Last night, I was quite surprised to find that she could not answer comprehension questions. It was disheartening, because it was basic straight forward questions. I worry when she starts on inference questions.
I did the comprehension with her - guiding her as she read. Her voice was coarse, as if unused to the pronouncing English. I also made the mistake of asking her to highlight every word she doesn't know in the passage - the comprehension was heavily coloured.
So... now I am quite at a loss. I cannot just push forward with comprehension - giving her answers will not help. Yet I cannot completely neglect the books and start copying her grammar and vocab exercises.
I was so bothered that I felt, well stressed. More stressed in fact, than I was a student. Imagine!
It was then, that I saw a young guy across the street. He could not walk, yet he was - in his crutches, walking slowly and well, determinedly. Call me philosophical, but I felt I overrated my worries..
..which could usually be the case. While the grass may always be greener on the other side, there are also people thinking your patch of grass is greener, no?
But I confess, I cannot help fretting again about my tutee as I type. Vocab exercises, writing practices, conversing in English exercises... how should I start?
Monday, August 24
I am so very tired! And feeling so sick.
You know, I think it has got to do with sitting for hours on end in an enclosed cold place. Shivering, with my teeth knocking against each other and goosebumps creeping up my skin.
In this unfeeling world!
How I wish to be an Elizabeth Bennet! To spend my days reading and tramping across lawns and gardens. =D
But I'm Jojo - student, intern and daughter with chores AND restrictions.
You know, those with chores should be without restrictions. And restrictions should be lazing around all day! Hmms.
Wednesday, August 19
So I had just went through the first scary day as an English tuition teacher, and boy was I nervous!
I was fretting from the day I got the assignment, to the minute I travelled to my student's place, right down to the very minute I sat down to teach! Nervous, nervous, nervous.
Well, it didn't turn out quite so bad I think, though I have moved on to worrying about her grades. You see, I was born a worry-wart. But oh dear, she was totally not what I have expected.
Firstly, I thought it was a chubby little dude who simply cannot do his work without supervision - so I prepared chocolates and sweets and lots of homework.
What happened instead, was me sitting beside a little girl who is mostly okay with homework. And seems to avoid candy like the plague. [I sure hope this is not early dieting!]
And what hit me the most was, she's a Singaporean bred in Shanghai. And she loves sports. Me? I avoid Mandarin mostly, and I dislike sports generally.
A challenge, oui?
My plan [yups, I am also a natural planner. Or so I tell myself whenever I reach for a pen to jot down lists and lists.] is to... well, get assessments.
Only now do I understand how Mrs Vijay must have felt when faced with a class as uneager to learn as they are anxious for the end of school bell. We must have seem completely illiterate compared to her English Masters, and yet she has to teach us.
As I have to teach.
Now I wonder how many of us actually reads and appreciate the poem she wrote for us.
P.S. Weyzi, thanks for the good luck texts! =D SC too! (= I might have faint without them. Or maybe not... but they were great nevertheless.
Sunday, August 16
Your mind rules your heart!: You tend to keep your emotions in check- your mind rules your heart. You try your best to hold your emotions back, as you don't like to appear vulnerable.
You may be moderately successful and have enough energy to last you through the day.
You are quite optimistic with a positive attitude to life- you won't let many things get you down. At times, however, you hide your emotions when you are feeling sad or lonely but generally you demonstrate a healthy balance between optimism and pessimism.
You have an average ability to concentrate. You often have to force yourself to concentrate on minor details, especially for long periods of time.
You are reliable and dependable and appear very outgoing and friendly.
**allow a close one to be a shoulder to cry on**
I LIKE THIS! I think it's generally pretty accurate. =D
Now I just need a shoulder for tear-jerking moments.
Joey took the The real "true colors" quiz and got the result: Green..
Green: Values:
Intellectual Achievements
Personal Achievement
Meeting Challenges
Truth & Facts
Nonsense Rules
At work you are conceptual and an independent thinker. For you work is play. You are drawn to constant challenge in career, and like to develop models, explore ideas, or build systems to satisfy your need to deal wth the innovative. Once you have perfected an idea you prefer to move on leaving the project to be maintained and supported by others
In love you prefer to let your head rule tour heart. You dislike repetition, so it is difficult for you to continuously express your feelings. You beleive that once feelings are stated, they are obvious to a partner. You are uneasy when your emotions control you. You want to establish a relationship, leave it to maintain itself, and turn your energies back to your career.
[I don't think this is true! I'm not a completely unexpressive person...]
In childhood you appeared to be older than your years and focused on your greatest interests, achiveing in subjects that were mentally stimulating. You were impatient with drill and routine, questioned authority, and found it necessary to respect teachers before you could learn from them.
Go do these too!(=
Friday, August 14
Oh oh OH.
Influenza A IS H1N1.
Why wasn't I given more extensive MC and medication then?
Thursday, August 13
I was so sure the H1N1 flu has bitten me and gotten into my bloodstream.
My entire Tuesday morning was spent trying to work as I sneezed my way through packets of tissue papers, and trying my hardest not to sneeze as I took part in a regional call with the Marketing team.
I failed, trumpeting my sickness all the way to India, China and Hong Kong but every one was nice enough not to comment.
Eventually, I called it a day and went to see the doctor.
It was only Influenza A.
So you see, H1N1 is probably not so serious.
And the news says the worse could already be over.
Anyway, I went home to sleep off the medicine.
I dropped in bed, and slept for 13 hours straight!
Waking up only occasionally, for which I blame my messed up internal clock.
And guess what, it feels like another long weekend! =D
But I was so exhausted, and so grumpy.
I could not do more than play games and watch videos, then doing more sleeping.
I watched Kwon Sang-woo in Cinderella Man! (=
Definitely my favourite Korean actor.Kwon Sang-woo
Cinderella Man,
where there is 2 of him 'cause he plays two characters.
I'm not done with it yet, but I'm guessing they're twins. (=
Sorry Mommy, for being rude yesterday
Sorry everyone else, for 'making you worried'.
Thanks for making my day.
Tuesday, August 11
I have had been looking forward sooooo much to the long weekend.
And now, it's all over. Rawr.
No matter how fun / exciting / enjoyable work and school is,
I loveeee long weekends.
Actually, long weekends beats just about everything.
You know how exciting it gets when a long weekend approaches?
Then it's lazy mornings without having to get up,
nights without having to get to bed,
days wasting away knowing you have to do NOTHING.
I love the feeling.
Of course, it all comes crashing down the day after when everything picks itself up.
For me, it was when I woke up this morning thinking 'Oh lovely, a weekday morning with no work. *pauses* HOLY! It's Tuesday already!'
Then I go to work/school and count down to the next long weekend. It's not a disregard for work or school, it's a checkpoint in my social life. And if you still havent checked, it's 19 - 21 September. I've got one extra day here so it's 22 for me. Yes you goons, it's Hari Raya Puasa!
My weekend was pretty awesome!
Even without booze, buffets, meeting lots of people.
I started my weekend with..gyming.
Hahaha. WEYZI and I decided to be healthy and gym a bit.
You see, we tried walking [very far, at MacRitchie!],
and running around reservoir [we ended up at Cartel having 25 bucks worth of fried stuff. Don't ask.]
So... I guess gyming worked out for us. (=
And I saw a friend there, so our social lives are pretty intact?
Of course, we just had to have KFC after that...
The Spicy Blast wings was pretty okay. (:
Weyzi and I took a long overdue trip to Litte India.
Again, don't ask.
It's just one of those things that most people don't like to do, but we do.
And Little India was pretty interesting!
I found that I like milk peda,
and I hate the sweetened-to-death what-its-name.
They look like ping pong balls.
I like henna,
but I couldn't managed to convince Weyzi to put one with my name. =P
And we found cheap cheap items!
Potatos, 1kg for 1.20! Okay, so aunty-ish.
Perfume, at least 10 bucks cheaper than in departmental stores. (=
That's not too bad seeing as it's pretty near Bugis.
In fact, Michael Weyzi and I walked there afterwards.
Admittedly, Bugis has better shops.
I saw a pretty pair of white wedges that I love!!
I told Weyzi and he went, "Wedges? I like those with Wasabi Mayo."
Like seriously? *pokes*
I slept til 10am! That's quite late for me.
Besides, my only accomplishments all day was lazing around
and finishing a new game.
I think I'm entitled. (=
Then I brought Mommy out to dinner at Secret Recipe,
and let her con me into buying her some snackers too.
Sometimes I wonder if she's the kid.
By the end of our 1 hour (or less) shopping trip, I spotted:
1. Pink MANGO Cardigan
2. Light wash demin jacket from MANGO
3. Street cap from FOX
4. Cotton On Belt
Not too good..
Monday!Michael Weyzi picked me up from home,
and we went picnicking!
It was great fun, though it was raining slightly.
We had homemade tea without lemon,
bangers and mash with ham ends,
mackeral with bread,
freshly baked double chocolate chip cookies,
smelly salty blue cheese
and apples! =D
I'm awesome.
I need the self-praise for cooking. (:
We put the beach mat on the cliff (hahaha!)
and picnicking facing the sea.
Okay, so East Coast Park only has breakwaters.
And the water was like a metre away,
and the rain drops got into our eyes and food.
But it was fun!
We took pictures, and just talked.
'cause someone said,
'Don't bring Scrabble, let's just hang out in each other's company.'
When we got there, 'Ah, so early! What shall we do?'
I shall put up nice pictures soon. (=
Sunday, August 9
Friday, August 7
I'm happy! (:
On Wednesday, I took Michael out for movies and a quickie dinner at Cineleisure.
We watched GI Joe : Rise of the Cobra.
Seriously the name is NOT apt, the show was showing how cool the Joes are.
Who cared about the Cobra! The name's only there so they can have a trilogy.
Which is okay, 'cause I like Channing! :D
But this is not supposed to be a review of the loopholey movie.
It's about Michael and me! (:
I had great fun that night, seeing you so happy. We were like kids, haha! And when you carried me in the middle of Cineleisure and swung me around, well! It was half giddy laughter, half embarassment! :D
I cannot believe I blushed. *pats cheeks*
Thanks for being so happy!
Thanks for smiling and laughing,
even as I tried to direct us failingly to Cross Keys.
I will draw a better map next time!
And I can't wait for my birthday!
PS. I hope you play soccer well on Saturday! 'cause it's the wrong Sat! Rawr. I'll be watching~ Haha!
Sunday, August 2
I want to do so much.
I would like to travel the world, soaking in their culture, visiting the sacred / touristy areas. Try all their food, shop like a fanatic [giving back to the community, see!], try all their alcohol. Take pictures!
Go to Vietnam to build schools, to Cambodia to dig wells. Go to Africa for a teaching stint, anything.
I want to learn so many things. To drive, and to save for and own my own beat-up junk. To learn to waltz with Michael, so I can impress everyone on the dance floor of some swanky society event. To speak Korean, Japanese and Spanish fluently!
I want to be domestic too! *laughs* It would be cool to say, "These good? I baked them. Along with these, and these and these and these..." I want to cook up a storm [to rival Gordon from Hell's Kitchen], to make Christmas dinners and little canapes for parties. To throw together a quick cocktail to down, to plant an army of flowers!
Forget-me-nots for first loves, basil for faithfulness [I think] and roses for...passion. Romance?
My friends and family. Michael! To stay with them, and be with them.
Aww, I'm so inspiring. (:
I'm so tired!
Rawr. I've been sleeping late these days;
what with working and playing. Hard.
And I do still feel kind of poor!
Really, I'm just waiting for a good tuition assignment.
Several actually.
Or a really well-paying one! :/
Quick to-spend! plans:
Learn Driving
Learn Korean! (:
Do Ballroom with Michael :D
Go for BBQ meat!
Bring Michael / Momma out
Go out with friends