Krady :3
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Blogskin by Yanny :)
Tuesday, June 30
My MacRitchie Hike - I Survived!
Gee, I feel like a kid saying that - but hey, hiking 10km [I firmly believe it's 15km, but Michael says otherwise] is not small feat for Ms Couch-Potato-Me!
Here's a view of the trail. My small Canon [10megapixel] is not doing much justice to the prettiness of it all! Green leaves, colourful butterflies [all of whom refused to stay still for a photo shoot] and virtually no bug-bites at all! :D
Here's the 'water body' Michael asked me to shoot - hah! It looks like the backlight from the sun, more like! Until you look closely lah..
Saturday, June 27
Why can't I make myself cry out loud?
Scream out loud. Do something, but stay quiet.
Just waiting, waiting.. for what?
Imma gonna watch Fanaa, a Yash Chopra film.
It's going to make me cry!
Friday, June 26
Hey lovelies!
Just changed my skin and improvised a little on scheme and colours. [: Looks pretty?
Anyway, I think I still need some help here, so *look pointedly at Yanny!* help me get a nice banner image please! :D Something quirky, something retro/old-school/vintage. Skip the red-black terrors! THANKYOU!
I'll be happy to post a nice put-together of everyone's pretty faces too though!
And....THERE'S IS NO CBOX! So, comment on the end while I figure out how to implant the html for cbox. Ideas, suggestions, useless comments?
FINALLY, there's a guitar hero at the end! Quite fun, but a tad noisy - suggest you put yourself on mute just in case.
MUACKS my darlings!
Wednesday, June 24
I think I need to smarten myself up.
It’s a tad hard to feel intelligent when I can count my talents on one hand. Oh wait, or is that none?
Unlike Huijing, I can’t dance.
I can’t even move right. :/
And I don’t have a great singing voice like SC
that has been heard even over in Prague.
And Lianghao has perfect grades,
and a real following on his blog / myyearbook.
Can’t say about FB.
And Michael can play volleyball,
and has recently been reported to score a few goals at soccer.
Aileen is already at University!
You see, I feel so lacking.
So… I decided to divert a little from saving
for University to brighten myself up.
Look, no decent University would want me
with my average scores,
none-too-average physical prowess and
average everything else!
Things I should/can learn:
a language!
What can be more awe-inspiring than saying,
I’m trilingual. *laughs*
But seriously, I’m contemplating learning one
and it's probably going to be an Asian one.
After all, it makes sense
if I am going to be living and working in the APAC region –
which you guys all know I am, in all likelihood.
So… the most oft used language is English,
and possibly Chinese – both of which *hurray!* I know.
Should I then learn
a) Japanese,
b) Russian [not very ‘Asian’ but hey, it sits into our area]
or c) um.. Korean?
Suggest something.
Better yet, learn with me! (:
We can whisper evil-nothings about others, in their face!
some sport-related exercise.
Should I join a yoga class,
a kickboxing class [always thought it was interesting]
or a ahhhh, pilates? Pi-lah-ttes.
Again, do this with me! [:
I think I'm so lacking, I will probably be okay with anything.
Event planning class O.o,
financial planning class [okay, avoid this],
public relations,
driving *stares at Lianghao*,
wine appreciation…
tell me you want to join, find an affordable class and I’ll do it with you! (:
Smarter Joey coming up!
PS. I think being a saxophonist [not me though!] and being able to speak 3 languages [not counting Cantonese, SC!] is cool.
PPS. Does this post sounds like an ad to you? :/
Monday, June 22
I want to visit:
Sunday, June 21
I don't feel smart enough to write today.
Some pictures will -should!- suffice.
The only picture on Friday: Rachel, me and Aileen.
Rachel is Aileen's fellow shopaholic/eat-aholic.
How not to be jealous! RAWR.
We went to Next Door Cafe [:
Had 3 pizzas, 2 sides and lots of beer.
The guys guzzled the most!
Aileen ordered shishaaaaaa too.
And, we played monopoly!
The dirtiest, funniest most corrupted monopoly ever.
I mean, who exchanges properties, ask for favours and,
"Here, the rent. Nah, keep the change."
Best: Lianghao gave Aileen a 1K note for $20 rent.
Worst scene: I spilled beer on myself.
Michael turned, said "Lousy",
and went on shisha-ing and playing monopoly!
I have more pictures on Saturday! [:
Michael and I decided to go to Sentosa last minute,
so I'm pretty black now. ):
Red-black, not dark red.
I'm red in some, and just..dark in some.Seeee, it's sweltering!
Okay, maybe you can't tell...
Here's Michael sleeping and ignoring me. >:O
I have an awesomeeee boyfriend ehs.
But I won't put up pictures of him with his mouth open,
'cause I'm nice! [:
Michael when I finally bug him to get up.
[: [:
Thursday, June 18
I'm too lazy / have nothing much to blog..
but I just thought I comment on this:
"Silicone-injected Python Tote"
The world's gone silicon-ic.
The next thing you know, it's gonna be in shoes and dresses.
We won't have cotton next time, just jelly-like suits to paste on ourselves!
Monday, June 15
End of day – I ‘made’ $32. I used ‘made’ because any one shirt that I sold for under $2 had cost at least $20 - $50. It was more like getting rid of stuff I don’t want for petty cash than anything else. But poor Michael! *hugs* I won’t say. [:
That night, we went to Granny for her birthday party! – where the chocolate-y accusation affair all began. I stuffed myself and Michael with prawns, vinegar pork and all things meaty! Then some more pictures. By now, Michael’s accusing me of not including him in any pictures at all. Haha.
Thursday, June 11
I'm just a little girl after all. One who simply wants too much to grow up, take charge and go away. What a thought.
Tuesday, June 9
Thanks to Yanny, I have a great great AWESOME KICKASS blogskin! [:
Monday, June 8
Blogging is not merely writing anymore.
Or, has never been.
It's PUBLISHING! *horrors*
If you don't know, let me trouble myself to explain:
It means that you're liable for anything you write publish,
and can be invited to court.
Which is why I once again think of Wordpress.
Wouldn't a Password-protect function be ever-so-useful?
See, I can lament my own disasters,
my failings, my loser-ish thoughts in peace -
without worrying that someone is out there laughing at my expense,
and circulating it around!
I can whisper evil secrets about people,
and be all safe and sound because, hey, it's protected!
Hmms. We shall see.
But I will miss cBox. And the pretty blogskins available for blogger..
Tuesday, June 2
I just wanted to tell all my friends, I love you guys!
It seems I have forgotten to do this more often. ):
I may be totally busy, or have such awkward free time that it's barely possible to meet up...but I have never stopped missing you! How can I! [:
At the risk of being cliche.. I shall just say, friends are pretty big to me.
HuiJing - my bestest best friend of...6 years! Has it really been that long? O.o I feel positively ancient. And so lucky - because we have almost never quarrelled. We're so nice to each other, we rather gave up guys! [:
This is probably the first time we've become so distanced. Are we so busy with life, so busy with the other thousand and one things that demand our attention? We probably felt that our friendship needed no maintenance at all..but oh, I miss you! Just to spend time together wasting the afternoon away, just to laugh about some random stuff... just to whatever! It doesn't matter.
I will hold your hand, and tell you all my secrets. I will hug you!
Lianghao - You funny, funny guy who never plans, always demands and then complains. (X I love you! - though I'm still not gonna go for sushi buffet. I want you to know that I've always thought highly of you - and still do! - simply 'cause you're awesome. What I'm trying to say is, you will step out of your dark tunnel. You will love somebody [because you're you!] and you will be NICE to everyone [I can't wait!]. Haha.
PS. I always read your blog, and I nearly always tag! And you still own me a Subway cookie. I'm your 10,000th visitor!
Assey - I like this name better. [: SC. The mature steady guy has so much in him - always observing, always there and sometimes, MIA-ing. So much so that his tagboard is only used for "hey sc, why you MIA again!". HAHA! *pats* I love you too! - because you always tell me I'm awesome. [:
It's weird though, that you can tell us how awesome we are [even when sometimes we knew we've - or I've - done a crappy job] but not see it in yourself. So let me help you: You're AWESOME!
Michael - the boyfriend everyone liked best, and protected because they thought I was bullying him. What rubbish! Haha. I haven't neglected you, have I? (:
It's been a long long walk / trek [from Marina Bay, to Clark Quay, to Supper Club and then to...where?] / climb [up the damned Henderson Waves!]. 9 months! I can hardly believe it.
There's so much happiness, some crying [I haven't complained to anyone yet, be glad! Or don't be, 'cause I'm gonna start!]... but altogether, very very memorable.
I love the silly things that we do, revel in the crazy things that we do and absolutely need the sane things that we do. Even the crying parts. I've come to see so many things become part of us - couple seats in Cathy, drinking, saturdays, manicures, Dempsey, Chinatown and even [god forbid!] Razing Storm. I daresay I'll get lost without you!
Slowly, I'm also accepting, and therefore forgetting, your horrendous, tear-stained, grimy past. (: That's great right?
Here's something new I've never said publicly: Even as I always tease and joke about how awfully terrible Michael is, I love him. I love you Michael. (: See people, I'm secretly nice! Now you must let me tell you how funny / small eyes -ish / whatever he is! [:
My other friends...please stay in contact with me in case the abovementioned died from embarrassment. Except for HuiJing, the rest seem to have a pretty low view of mushy-ness displayed in public. Haha.
Nah, talk to me 'cause I love you all too and will miss your company. Nicole, Nuriman, Yanny, Xinyi, Krads, AILEEN [: , Clarence, Irene.. la la, did I miss anyone? Well, you'll know if it's you.
In Michael's words, loves loves loves!
Somewhere out there in a parallel universe, Jojo is spending endless summer days hanging out with you all, talking laughing and socializing on fb. Of course, she's way richer, fairer and never ever catches a cold.
Loves, Jojo
Monday, June 1
A month slips into three when he was in Australia,
and then six months, and before I know it, it's June.
A long, long time indeed...
which should say something about me.
Positively I hope,
'cause it's my first relationship that has been so far along.
I can't decide if I should properly awed by us both, or scared.
But I'm definitely happy in this relationship. [:
Thanks Michael.
Happy happy 9th month! [: